It was with great disappointment when we arrived in Chengdu that I saw that the view for miles along the north and south side of the River were blocked from view by a huge blue construction wall (including in front of our hotel). They were building new walking paths and parks all throughout the central downtown area. It was with total delight that we stepped out of our hotel to finally see the landscape. In time for the May holiday they had completed most of the local construction and we would no longer have to risk life and limb walking down the roadway. They even put in new grass and thousands of pots of yellow and pink flowers all along the wall for miles.

Sidewalk tea gardens were springing up along the walkway in front of the Bar Street restaurants so Kelsey and I stopped for a pot of chrysanthemums tea on our way back from the Bamboo Park. The tea is made from white chrysanthemum, goji berries and a few pieces of rock sugar. I saw the plantations with the white chrysanthemums ready for harvest last September when I was driving back from the Huangshan Mountains to catch the bus to Hangzhou when hubby Rob and I were in China.

Earlier when we were in Bamboo Park besides rides there was an area devoted to children's arts and crafts.

5/31/2012 06:37:33 am

Appreciate your details


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